Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Stencil Pillow- in progress

So, after some playing around on Pinterest. I decided I had yards of canvas I had purchased a few days prior and I would go ahead and begin some of my mini albums, projects and a pillow idea I had saw. This is just the beginning. None the less thought I would share how great they are coming along! More to come on the other canvas projects SOON!

I first cut the fabric 14x14, this way I have an inch inseam for sewing to get a 12x12 pillow. Then I laid out this nifty $1 stencil i got from Hobby Lobby and began painting. I used painters tape to hold it down and then made sure when I was painting I had good pressure on it so it didn't smudge getting under the stencil too much. I worked form left to right. 

This is what it looks like right now drying. Makes me squeal just a little when I see it. Not even going to lie, I'm stoked about these. I hung this one from my Clip it up to dry. Worked well. Now to sew and stuff. 

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