
Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Oh what a wonderful mess I have to share with you today!!! I have bits and pieces of all sorts of projects everywhere! Thanks for taking a look! Check back tomorrow to see a tutorial on the wood grain cards from yesterdays post.  

Want to play along and share your work space? Head on over to Julia Stamping Ground!

Craft Space
Yes that sure is my ATG gun sitting on to of a house! Needed some added weight! haha

Craft Space

craft space
Normal stuff here, a few magazines, a few journals waiting to be finished up and misc. things. 

Craft Space
A few simple is simple enough Kraft cards I've been working on. 


  1. Wow a wonderful cool mess it is! I really hope to one day have a room like yours. I really like your island table it is awesome.
    Hope you're enjoying your week.

  2. A girl after my own heart, just love your desk, not messy just a work in progress. Francesca #41

  3. I love that you're working on more than one thing at once, but very alarmed that the intention for that sweet little house is something wintery..snow all it for Christmas? Argh! The Kraft pieces look great don't they.

    1. hahah Julia, I have many of those little houses I'm goin to be doing. I have to admit thought I do Christmas and Winter things year round, because when the times comes for those Holidays.... I NEVER have enough time to do all the things in my head.. so I do them year round.. hahaha did a Halloween banner 2 weeks ago! hahaha Thanks for stopping by

  4. Hello! You're above me on the "Linky List", so I thought it would just be rude not to drop by!
    I love your desk - it looks so busy and fun. The little house is cute and the cards are very pretty. I went to look at your Etsy shop and like it very much - plenty to look at and admire (do you mind your items being "pinned"?).
    I'll look out for your posts in future - it's nice here!

  5. Great craft space. Lots going on. Love the cards at the end - gorgeous
    Famfa (89)

  6. I just love your craft cards. Your space looks a lot like mine...HA like all of ours. I think we could visit each other and feel right at home!

  7. What a fun desk! Love the kraft cards and tags. Sue #122

  8. Am loving your cards and tags, I Love using sepias and browns on recycled card/paper
    just looks great. Happy WOYWW Heather #46

  9. Wow you look very industrious there. Fabulous busy space - lots for us nosey folk to enjoy! MMx #39

  10. Love the craft paper cards. You've been busy! Creative Blessings! Kelly #124

  11. I love your cards. I really like how you took brown ink and kraft card stock and created beautiful cards and tags. April #110

  12. I enjoyed the peek into your creative space, headed to the join the site button next! I have a (very messy) delightful craft space. My son custom designed for me several years ago. It is complete with a terrific drop down table. It has been awaiting a proper finish since the first coat of varnish. Now among the inky stains and such, I clutter and pile many projects. OH but now I must clear it off as your surface has me inspired to finish it!!!


Feedback is always appreciated! Let me hear what you have to say!