
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Card Here, A Card There. Everywhere CARDS.

I've been rather scattered lately with posting what I've been up to. In all honesty I haven't quite had my MoJo lately. Talk about irritating. Work is starting to pick up and after working billions of hours for the two snow storms that came through, I have just been darn worn out. By the time I sit to craft I'm just not even sure where to start. I have been getting things done though, but that's where it stops- I don't post them on here and so forth, but fear not I have lots of fun things coming this spring!

Sharing a few cards I created last weekend. They are super simple and not too time consuming. Sorta just went through the motions on them- nothing too fancy.  Check back tomorrow for WOYWW! Then on Thursday I'll post a little tutorial on how I got the pretty wood grain paper I used on a few of these cards! Ubber simple and fun with a big impact!

(sorry in advance on these pictures, but in this case something was better than nothing.)

Birthday Card

birthday Card

Embossed Woodgrain Card

using scraps to create a card

Using scraps to create a card

using scraps to create a card

helmar scrapdots

birthday card

using scraps to make a card

embossed card


  1. Love the cards...the embossing (both heat and dry). How did you get the squares so lined up on the card with the scraps? I try my best, but haven't found a way to line things up like that...and the perfectionist in me is bothered by imperfection. Thanks so much for sharing! You have inspired me to tackle some cards I need to make!

    1. Karen, thanks you! Their very imperfect I assure you!! That's just looking at them and hoping their close enough. I so start with the 4 corners and then work my way in. I did set them out first to make sure they could all fit and then found where the 4 corners were and winged it from there. I feel you though I guarantee i couldn't do this again.. hence why the next card all the squares are tilted!! hee hee


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