
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

WOYWW - I've been shopping.... eeeek

So, like I said yesterday when showcasing my tutorial on how to make primitive burlap and canvas flowers. Things were nuts this last weekend. I got a journal made and flowers made but at work in the middle of the night in between dis-batching crews. Needless to say my craft room has become a collection of things that need to be put away properly. When I got back from working it all got pitched in there. yet to be put away. I've got some new goodies everywhere awaiting a home. So don't judge me. There's been alot of boxes of goodies coming in and not being put away...grrrrr But it will all get done. Sometime this weekend.... maybe... you know how that goes! But I am very excited to dig into some of the goodies. Please excuse the bad photos but I took them on my phone while heading out the door at 6am this morning. So their a little dark and a little not the best quality. 

Want to share you space? Head on over to Julia's Stamping Ground and nose around! Want to join in on more convos and tutorials- come hang out with me on Facebook. Lots of fun giveaways going on over there on a weekly basis!

Lots of "stuff", happy stuff but stuff none the less.  Also as you can see in the background I've been working on cleaning out my closet. 

Some other canvas layered flowers I'm working on. 

Lovely new goodies I can't wait to play with. 

WOOOO HOOO I must admit I bought a few of these books! Can't wait to play with them. 

Some vintage tokens, rusty cast iron keys, sequin waste, french flash cards and shipping tags... oooooo my I'm so excited to play with these. 


  1. Wow I love your craft room!! And the mess is just heavenly lol! What a great lot of stash you have and I would love to play in your craft room! Happy belated WOYWW. I am not on the list this week as I was not able to blog, but I am now able to travel around and leave some comments :-).

  2. Messy crafting fun & some a good selection of goodies. Jill #148 Happy easter

  3. What an incredibly interesting awesomely inspirational room you JUDGE...oh no, I would love love love to come and join you as you sort through all those goodies!!!! One look at my craft space which is not quite as disorganized in the picture, but will be soon enough. Hey, its all in the perception, its our creative pursuit of fun times...and you go for it girl! Hugs, Cathryn


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