
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

WOYWW -226

First and foremost, now that summer is coming to an end.. I fully intend to begin posting a few times a week again. I'm utterly sure that many of you can sympathize with me on this. It's just so much easier when it gets less desirable outside to be in and write...

There will be Motivation Monday, Technique/Tutorial Tuesday, WOYWW & Hump Day Giveaway, Picks Thursday and lots of grand giveaways. Be sure to not only share with others but also jump over if you are on Facebook for a more regular chat friendly page and additional giveaways and discussion topics. 

So, here's the deal there's not a ton of activity on my desk this week. There has been a ton made in the last 3 weeks---I'll be sharing very soon -- I've just been a little better cleaning up after I finish something or partially finish something-- as I have been lately. You know starting something and while it's drying or whatever, I start something else. Do you do that as well? So, like I said nothing grand on my desk this morning.. it'll get better I'm sure. 

Be sure to stop by Julia's Stamping Ground and show off your space or just stop by and take a peek at a few other spaces. If you stopping by leave a link to yours and I'll stop yours!


  1. I work on 2 things at once, a lot. Happy crafting #4

    1. Good, I don't feel so bad with 4 things going at once then! I'm normal!...maybe

  2. I'm glad you're back. I understand - the weather gets colder and indoor activies become much more appealing. :-) April #17

    1. Happy to be back thanks! I'll be checking out your place tonight!

  3. Ah see a black thingy with a USB plug on the end, laying on your that, aaggghh can't think of the name for it. Camera thing you use for Skype calls? Old age and the late hour are messing with my brain. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #8

    1. Just a good old webcam. It's what I made the vid with. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I am the reverse, now that school is back in session I am working doubly hard to keep my blog going. The WOYWW is about the only blog I post to. Good luck on your blog plans. Kim #22

    1. For me during the fall/winter there's less running around. My significant other races tri's so summers are always busy with events. LONG DAY events.. lol

  5. That's how it always is summer we have to enjoy all the beautiful weather while it lass,looks like your all set to start crafting away Nikki 21

  6. I love those printer trays. I can't have that kind of open stuff cuz I would knock it over. Bull in the china shop, yep that's me. Peg R #29

    1. haha I feel your pain. I'm not the most gracefull.. and having them out always just says to my kids.. come touch me ... lol one day ta a time. I figure if i do spill them.. o well... lol

  7. Good to see you back, happy crafting!! Helen 14

    1. Thanks, I look forward to popping over to your space tonight!

  8. I fully understand the summer thing and wanting to be outside enjoying it, we are in spring here and I can't wait for the weather to improve I am so over winter. Awesome space and what a neat idea doing a video of your room. Thanks for sharing, Love the printers trays.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoda 20

    1. Thanks for stopping y! I plan to pop over to your place tonight. Where are you located?

  9. I usually have multiple projects on the go at the same time too! Even when I don't I'm always thinking about what to do next while I'm working, it must be a crafty brained sort of a thing!
    Kate #51

    1. Goood! I'm normalish... haha thanks for stopping by!

  10. Great trip around your really quite tidy craft room - and organised too. I generally work on one thing at a time on my desk, otherwise it would be more chaotic than it already is :) However, I do usually have some crochet to work on whilst watching whatever TV drama is on at 9pm most evenings ... that probably counts. Sorry summer is over but it's nice to have you back :) Thanks for sharing. Elizabeth x #49

  11. Nothing about all that space!!!

    1. I do adore the space. Recently moved 2 desks out out there taking up some space. Honestly I forget how blessed I am to have that amount of space always thinking I want more. lol

  12. Such a tidy desk this week ! Great you have come back to play with us each Wednesday ! Ali #34

  13. Glad to have you back. Happy (late) WOYWW. Pam#41


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