
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

WOYWW: Gelli Plate Prints...oh my!!!

So, it's been a few months since I have played along over at Julia's. but I'm baaaaaaack!!!

Feel free to head over and snoop around others rooms. It's a lot of fun.

I've been playing with my Gelli plate today! Have you gotten a chance to see what this great tool can do? if not here's a link to their site and they have tons of tutorials and articles and so forth. I'm considering doing some tutorial videos as well.. whatcha think???

I've been playing right now with thickness of paints for different effects. Using stencils comes easily to me, but deciding on different textures and building dimensions is something I've having a ball with as you can see. 

I appreicate all comments! Also, been doing some fun giveaways over on my Craft Donkey Facebook page. If you so inclined check it out, I'd appreciate it. And who doesn't love freebies.  The Craft Donkey on Facebook.


  1. These Gelli art pages are looking great. Your images are really crisp & clear! What do you have planned for the prints? Ali #34

    1. Planning on using some of them for art journal pages, framing 2 for my son for his room and then the others will be made into tags or mini art journal covers. Thanks for stopping by- I'll be checking out your place tonight!

  2. I still haven't got a Gelli Plate but the more I see what they can do, the more I want one! Hugs. Pam#28

  3. Oh what a stunning lot of prints.Just haven't looked into this gelli printing yet. Looks fab though!!
    Judy #4

  4. Great textures great colours. Stunning! Debs #58

  5. Gelli-plates are awesome fun aren't they?? I've just received the large one in the post .... sooooo excited! Great prints, you look like you've had a fab time. Thanks for sharing and happy woyww. Liz@71

  6. Great gelli printing! have a great day Helen, #7

  7. Having a Gelli plate is so much fun isn't
    I have really Enjoyed using my Gelli plate and it looks like you're enjoying using yours Jackie 29

  8. Never tried gelli printing but have seen quite a few examples. Is it easy to do?

    Thanks for sharing and have a great week

    Candace #43

    1. Super easy to do. I was letting my almost 8 year old daughter create some of them! You really can't go wrong and if you do the worst that happens is you don't like the colors or the print.

  9. I thought there was bubble wrap in there somewhere!! Not tried this Gelli yet, looks fun! Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥ 84 x

    1. Gotta have bubble wrap. I am obsessed with it and may have like 7 different sizes. lol

  10. These look fabulous. I love the honeycomb ones in red. Gorgeous!
    Happy WOYWW and I wish you a wonderful week.

  11. wow you are hooked on those jelli plates.
    Bridget #3

    1. yes just experimenting for the time being.. it's slightly addictive with so many options. lol

  12. Me too with the Gelli plate - Loving it, in waves - I get caught up for a day or two, pull 100s of prints, then get excited about something else :) Have you tried pulling with packing take or contact paper? On the sticky side? I'm having fun with that this week. Love the wings too - did you say what it is? carved? a stamp? a die cut? Do tell....

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (26)

    1. I have tried the tapes and contact paper. Lots of fun, I just only did a few as I know I won't use them near as fast as I could create them. The wings were a Maya Road Stencil.

  13. Fantastic - the more I see of this Gelli print stuff the better I like it. Your prints are the best I've seen yet :-)
    Happy WOYWW

    IKE xx #35

  14. Hi - my first visit to your place...
    Now I can see what Gelli plates are - everyone seems to be talking about them but I haven't had a chance to check it out - have a great week - Happy WOYWW - Mxx #99

  15. Hahaaa... another gelli-addict in the make! I LOVE this technique (I make the plates myself using gelatine powder...) Your prints look awesome! Have fun experimenting! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland. Marit #91

  16. Looks like you've been having great fun with your plate. Linda #119

  17. wow! these are awesome! I have to get me one of those gelli plates!

  18. These are gorgeous!! I just made me Geli Plate, but haven't had time to try it out yet.
    Krisha #12

  19. These look so cool. I feel an addiction coming on.

  20. Happy WOYWW!

    Lovely prints, I don't yet have a Gelli plate but I want one, and Shaz in Oz has provided instructions for making them so I might have a go.

    Cazzy x

  21. OMG… Your prints are just AMAZING!!!!! I have been doing Gelli prints for the SOC challenge, and that's what I have posted for WOYWW, I struggled with mine this week. Even on my best day, they don't look a smidge as wonderful as yours. What will you do with all your prints?? I'm going to turn mine into a Gelli journal. You truly are a Gelli inspiration!!! Have a Gelli great weekend. (sorry puns aren't my thing, I'm more on the snarky side) Toodles!!!
    WOYWW #145


Feedback is always appreciated! Let me hear what you have to say!