
Monday, February 18, 2013

Washi Tape and Maya Road Winners!

So, I'd love to say that I had this amazing crafting weekend as I have the last few weeks. However, this weekend I took a little road trip to see some family and friends away from it all. I just needed a little breather from the day to day life. I think we all need that to refresh out minds every now and then. So I took off with no boyfriend and no kids! Was amazing!

While I don't have any fun projects to share I do get the happiness of sharing who has won some washi tapes and maya road goodies! 

To be fair I let each of my kiddos randomly choose the winner!

I want to personally thank everyone who did come on over and "Like" My Craft Donkey Facebook Page. Thank you thank you thank you! You all are pretty awesome. If you haven't already head on over and "like" it.  Meant a lot to me, I can't wait for us all to get involved and be able to share out blogs, motivation, inspiration, projects, etc. be sure to share away on The Craft Donkey wall if you've created something you want to share or maybe even can't come up with a title or whats missing from a layout!

So, back to these lovely winners: If you won please contact me on Facebook via message with your address so I can get some goodies sent out to you! When you message me on Facebook, let me know whether you'd prefer Washi Tape OR Maya Road goodies! 

* Janet Peterson

* Jenna Locke

* Sally Churchill Downes

* Angie Ellifritz Pond

* Paula McLane Jennings

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