
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A MUST follow Blog: The Altered Page

Recently a great gal sent me some blogs to check out for my Men Craft Too! Section. 

I have to say I think I spent hours looking through some of them, especially the one I'm showcasing today! Recently I've been talking to one of the artists Seth Apter. He's a genius! And we all know I don't throw around those sorts of terms very often. But he's just so innovative and exciting to follow. 

Okay let me start off by just sharing some of his work. It speaks for itself. His work is expressive, unique, masculine, eclectic and full of color. The attention to detail he has is amazing as well. I can look at the same piece multiple times and find things I missed. His blog is called The Altered Page.  Check it out. You'll be there for a while going through all of the wonderful posts, pod casts and more. 

If you've been considering getting into Mixed Media pieces or even if you already are into it but looking to expand on your techniques and knowledge Seth's blog is an amazing place to start. 

Alittle about Seth:  Seth Apter is a mixed-media artist, author, and instructor from New York City. His artwork has been exhibited in numerous exhibitions throughout the United States and Canada and can be found in multiple books, independent zines, and national magazines including Somerset Studio, Cloth Paper Scissors, Studios, and Artful Blogging. He is the voice behind The Pulse, a series of international, collaborative projects that are the basis of his book The Pulse of Mixed Media: Secrets and Passions of 100 Artists Revealed, released in March 2012 by North Light Books. He is also the artist behind two workshop DVDs released in June 2012 by North Light Media: "Easy Mixed Media Surface Techniques" and "Easy Mixed Media Techniques for the Art Journal". He is currently working on his second book, "The Mixed Media Artist: Art Tips, Tricks, Secrets and Dreams of 40 Amazing Artists", due to be released in January 2014.

I urge all of you to head over and take a look at his blog. Just be prepared to spend a bit of time there. You can also head over to his Facebook page and follow him there. 


  1. it's always a pleasure to see and hear more about Seth...his works continually delight me..especially that one little hand that sits upon my studio desk..

  2. Seth is one of my muses. Now that I've found your blog, I need to check out that "Men Craft Too!" section.


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